© #visitfrankfurt_plazy_Isabela_Pacini

Frankfurt's museum landscape: A kaleidoscope of cultures

Your personal journey of discovery through art, history and nature

Discover the soul of Frankfurt through its museums - a world in which every step tells a new story and every exhibition opens a window into another time or dimension. In Frankfurt, a mosaic of art, culture and science is waiting to be explored by you. Our museums are not just places of preservation, but lively forums that invite dialogue between past, present and future.

At our carefully categorised museums, you will not only find your own personal interests, but will also be inspired to explore unknown paths. Whether you are an art lover craving visual inspiration, a history buff wanting to uncover the secrets of ancient civilisations, or a nature enthusiast in search of the wonders of the Earth, our city has something for everyone.

Frankfurt is a place where diversity is celebrated - in its people, its stories and its museums. Discover rare collections in our specialised museums and let yourself be captivated by the history of literature. Each museum opens a door to a new adventure just waiting to be experienced by you.

Immerse yourself in Frankfurt's rich museum landscape and let yourself be enchanted by the unique atmosphere of our city. Your journey through Frankfurt's museums is not just a visit, but a personal voyage of discovery that will stay with you for years to come. Frankfurt opens its cultural heart to you - start your discovery now!

© #visitrheinmain, David Vasicek
© #visitfrankfurt_plazy_Isabela_Pacini

Art museums and galleries

Windows into new worlds. Encounter art - from classic to modern

Immerse yourself in the world of art, where every museum speaks its own language. At the Städel Museum, you will encounter masterpieces that whisper through the centuries, while SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE and the MMK MUSEUM for Modern Art translate the pulse of the times into art.

Discover how modern artists explore the limits of the possible at the MMK TOWER and ZOLLAMT. The Giersch Museum at Goethe University opens windows to artistic research, while the Frankfurter Kunstverein and Portikus invite you to explore art beyond the familiar. Art laughs at the Caricatura Museum and tells stories in pictures at the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt.

The Museum of Applied Arts, meanwhile, shows how art and everyday life come together. Each address of Frankfurt's art landscape offers its own world - full of stories just waiting to be discovered by you.

© #visitrheinmain, David Vasicek

Museums with a café or restaurant

  • DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

  • Geldmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank

  • Historisches Museum Frankfurt

  • Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt

  • Kunstverein Familie Montez

  • Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung

  • Museum Angewandte Kunst

  • Museum für Kommunikation



  • Senckenberg Naturmuseum

  • Städel Museum

Historical and
cultural museums

Experience the past: A journey through Frankfurt's history and

Step through the gates of time at Frankfurt's historical and cultural museums. Frankfurt's rich past unfolds at the Historical Museum, while the Jewish Museum and the Museum Judengasse offer deep insights into Jewish history and culture.

The Cathedral Museum, tucked away next to the majestic Emperors' Cathedral, preserves treasures that bear witness to faith and tradition.

The Museum of German Romanticism captures the spirit of an era that characterises German culture to this day. At the Institute of City History, you/ll become part of Frankfurt's living past, while the Goethe-House invites you to explore the world of the famous poet.

Finally, the Archaeological Museum opens windows to civilisations that disappeared long ago.

Every one of these museums tells of the people, their stories and dreams - a mosaic that puts together the picture of our world piece by piece.

© Freies Deutsches Hochstift, Foto: Alexander Paul Englert
© #visitfrankfurt_plazy_Isabela_Pacini

Natural history and
technology museum

Explorations at the interface of
nature and technology

Frankfurt's natural history and technology museums invite you on a fascinating exploration tour at the interface between the natural world and human innovation.

At the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, visitors come face to face with the impressive diversity of life on our planet, from prehistoric dinosaurs to the wonders of today's animal kingdom. The Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank, meanwhile, takes you into the world of economics and shows how money has shaped human civilisation.

At the German Architecture Museum, architecture enthusiasts may immerse themselves in the history and future of building, while the DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum sheds light on the magic of film and its development.

The Museum of Communication connects the past, present and future of human communication, and the Experimenta arouses curiosity about the natural sciences with interactive exhibits.

Each of these museums offers unique perspectives on the world we live in and inspires us to think outside the box.

© #visitrheinmain, David Vasicek

Museums with gastronomic offers for children and families

  • Historisches Museum

  • Jüdisches Museum

  • Kunstverein Familie Montez

  • Museum für Kommunikation

  • Museum MMK

  • Senckenberg Naturmuseum

Special-interest and niche museums

Uniqueness that inspires

Frankfurt is home to both specialised and niche museums that offer unique insights into lesser-known yet fascinating worlds. The Bible House Experience Museum sheds new light on biblical stories, while the Dialog Museum invites visitors on an extraordinary journey of discovery in the dark. Meanwhile, fans of modern sounds will find a tribute to electronic beats at the MOMEM - Museum of Modern Electronic Music.

The Young Museum delights with interactive experiences for younger visitors, while the Eintracht Frankfurt Museum celebrates football culture and the Icon Museum presents sacred art up close.

The Porcelain Museum impresses with its exquisite collection of fine porcelain. The Liebieghaus Sculpture Collection takes visitors through an impressive history of sculpture. Last but not least, the Struwwelpeter Museum offers a nostalgic look back at children's literature.

These museums tell stories that remain untold elsewhere and invite visitors to embark on unusual and enriching ways of learning and experiencing.

© #visitrheinmain, David Vasicek

All museums from A to Z

© Jüdisches_Museum_Frankfurt_Norbert_Miguletz

Your museum adventure

If you would like to explore several different museums, you have a wide range of options available to you for procuring admission tickets.

Frankfurt Card

© #visitfrankfurt

Museumsufer Card

© Kulturamt Frankfurt


© Kulturamt Frankfurt


The admission-free Saturday

© Junges Museum Frankfurt, Stefanie Kösling